Healing - The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.
Healing is important process after knowing about your disease there are various kind of healing techniques. Some go for medication, some for specialists. But I believe healing with spiritual path is the most useful way of getting out of the struggle. I've experienced several different healing methodologies over the years - counseling, self-help, and I've read a lot - but none of them will really work unless you really want to heal. Even when I was in depression I chose spiritual ways and believe me it helped me a lot during my struggling days. I used to do yoga. I used to even read "Bhagwad Gita" and doing "OM" chanting has helped me a lot you should try this way it will give you relief from your pain. According to me Depression is very emotional thing.. whenever you'll talk about it will surely make you cry. Even when I talk about it today it still makes me cry. But now it doesn't make me weak. I'm more confident about it. You know it's ok to have problems. Never compare your journey with others. So if you know what are you going through then please understand you need help. You should choose your way of healing. The most important thing is to heal yourself how you do it doesn't matter. At the end of the you should feel peace in your heart and mind. #healingsoul
Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.
Read more at : The voice of a healing heart
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Informative. Great content.